Code v 0.7a   8 comments

Hifiduino v 0.7a
May 19, 2011: Minor update and bug fixes to the version 0.7 of June 21, 2009

This code requires LCD12cW.h for i2c LCD from Web4robot LCD and macros.h
for defining the large characters. Download library from: and select "LCD12cW".
After downloading copy the folder "LCDi2cW" to the "libraries" folder in
the Arduino folder. "macros.h" is inside one of the examples in the examples
folder. Move it out of that folder into the LCDi2cW folder

In this release:
- Support for Web4robot LCD:
- Large number display for filter selection and volume
- Digital Filter Selection: Filter 1 to Filter 5.
- Rotary encoder.
- Volume Control. Now -99 db to 0db in 1db increment.
- Volume "dimmer". Volume dims to -60 dB when pushing rotary encoder
- Changed the default delay in the LCD library to (0,0) See below note.
- Select input sample rate (low, med, high) for future use.
- Adjust brightness and contrast of display with remote
- Remember brightness and contrast settings in eeprom
- New fonts for large number display

Additional notes:
- The default delay for the web4robot LCD is (50,4)
 It can be changed with setDelay(Cmd,Char).
 In fact setDelay(0,0) works with the web4robot display
 at least in this code, making it fairly fast

#include <Wire.h>
#include "macros.h" // Used for defining custom characters
// library for i2c LCD from Web4robot LCD
// Download library from
// and select "LCD12cW". After downloading copy the folder "LCDi2cW"
// to the "libraries" folder in the Arduino folder
#include <LCDi2cW.h>
LCDi2cW lcd = LCDi2cW(4,20,0x4C,0); // Initialized the library

// We will use the eeprom to store values
#include <EEPROM.h>
#define BRIADDR 0  // The address to store brightness value
#define CONADDR 1  // The address to store contrast value

// Define register values, etc to facilitate programming
// Note: Reg address is address plus R/W bit
// This is why the address here is different from the
// address in the data sheet

#define REG9 0x12     // Register 9 address (Reset)
#define RESET 0x00    // Write anything to reset the DAC

#define REG7 0x0E     // Register 7 address (PCM vs DSD)
#define PCMHIGH 0x40  // Value for reg7 for PCM, High Sample rate for filter
#define PCMMED 0x20  // Value for reg7 for PCM, Medium Sample rate for filter
#define PCMLOW 0x00  // Value for reg7 for PCM, Low Sample rate for filter

#define REG6 0x0C     // Register 6 address (filters)
#define FILTER1 0x00  // PCM Filter response 1
#define FILTER2 0x01  // PCM Filter response 2
#define FILTER3 0x02  // PCM Filter response 3
#define FILTER4 0x03  // PCM Filter response 4
#define FILTER5 0x04  // PCM Filter response 5

#define REG0 0x00     // Register 0 address (Volume Adjustment)
#define REG1 0x02     // Register 1 address (Volume Adjustment)
#define REG2 0x04     // Register 2 address (Volume Adjustment)
#define REG3 0x06     // Register 3 address (Volume Adjustment)
#define REG4 0x08     // Register 4 address (Volume Control)

// The following to be used in Reg4
//#define VOLCNTR 0x07 // VolRight=VolLeft, AntiClip, Vol Ramping is on (a)
#define VOLCNTR 0x05  // VolRight=VolLeft, No AntiClip, Vol Ramping is on (b)
//#define MUTE 0x0F // Mute and (a) above
#define MUTE 0x0D     // Mute and (b) above

#define DEFAULTVOL 0x190 //-50 dB this is 50x8=400
#define MINVOL 0x318    //-99dB this is 99X8=792. -Dac adjustment is .125 db
#define MAXVOL 0x00     //-0 dB - Min attenuation
#define DIMVOL 0x1E0    //-60dB The volume level when dimming the volume

#define FILTERPIN 6     // Button to select Filter
#define VOLDIMPIN 5     // Button for volume dimming feature
#define VOLUPPIN 4      // Button to increase volume
#define VOLDOWNPIN 2    // Button to decrease volume

#define IRPIN 3         // The pin for the remote sensor

#define KEY1 128           // The value when pressing the 1 key in remote
#define KEY2 129           // The value when pressing the 2 key in remote
#define KEY3 130           // The value when pressing the 3 key in remote
#define KEY4 131           // The value when pressing the 4 key in remote
#define KEY5 132           // The value when pressing the 5 key in remote
#define KEY7 134           // The value when pressing the 7 key in remote
#define KEY8 135           // The value when pressing the 8 key in remote
#define KEY9 136           // The value when pressing the 9 key in remote
#define KEYVOLUP 147       // The value when pressing volume up key in remote
#define KEYVOLDOWN 146     // The value when pressing volume down key in remote
#define KEYDISPLAY 186     // The value when pressing display key in remote
#define KEYPICTUREUP 152   // The value when pressing picture + key in remote
#define KEYPICTUREDOWN 153 // The value when pressing picture - key in remote

#define IRFILSELDELAY 300  // Delay when selecting filter with remote to preven multiple selection

#define ONEPULSE 1000      // Microsecond threshold for value 1 in remote putlse

#define B 0xFF             // The character for a completely filled box
#define A 0x20             // The character for blank

// The routine to create the custom characters in the LCD
void DefineLargeChar()
  // A 1 in the binary representation of the character means it is filled in
  // characters are 5 pixels wide by 8 pixels tall

  // We need 7 custom characters for the OPUS DAC display.
  // (Custom character 0 doesn't work in the Web4Robot LCD)

  // Define Custom Characters

  uint8_t cc1[8] = {     // Custom Character 1

  uint8_t cc2[8] = {    // Custom Character 2

  uint8_t cc3[8] = {    // Custom Character 3

  uint8_t cc4[8] = {   // Custom Character 4

  uint8_t cc5[8] = {    // Custom Character 5

  uint8_t cc6[8] = {    // Custom Character 6

  uint8_t cc7[8] = {     // Custom Character 7

  // send custom characters to the display


// Array index into parts of big numbers. Numbers consist of 9 custom characters in 3 lines
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
char bn1[]={B,2,1, 2,1,A, 2,2,1, 2,2,1, 3,A,B, B,2,2, B,2,2, 2,2,B, B,2,1, B,2,1};
char bn2[]={B,A,B, A,B,A ,3,2,2, A,6,1, 5,6,B, 5,6,7, B,6,7, A,3,2, B,6,B, 5,6,B};
char bn3[]={4,3,B, 3,B,3, B,3,3, 3,3,B, A,A,B, 3,3,B, 4,3,B, A,B,A, 4,3,B, A,A,B};

void printOneNumber(uint8_t digit)
  // Print position is hardcoded

  // Line 1 of the one digit number

  // Line 2 of the one-digit number

  // Line 3 of the one-digit number

void printTwoNumber(uint8_t number)
  // Print position is hardcoded
  int digit0;  // To represent the ones
  int digit1;  // To represent the tens

  // Line 1 of the two-digit number
  lcd.write(A); // Blank

  // Line 2 of the two-digit number
  lcd.write(A); // Blank

  // Line 3 of the two-digit number
  lcd.write(A); // Blank

// The write to WM8741 DAC routine
void opuswritereg(uint8_t regaddr,uint8_t regval)

// Interrupt service routine for rotary encoder. Determines direction.

volatile byte volUp=0;  // flags for the interrupt routine
volatile byte volDown=0;

void decoder()
  if (digitalRead(2) == digitalRead(4))
    volUp = 1;  //if on interrupt the encoder channels are the same, direction is clockwise
    volDown = 1;  //if they are not the same, direction is ccw

// interrupt service routine for remote

volatile byte remoteOn = 0;  // 1 means remote has been pressed

void remoting()

// Routines for LCD Adjustment

// For LCD backlight adjustment
void BackLight(uint8_t bright)

// For LCD contrast adjustment
void Contrast(uint8_t cont)

// Declaring some more variables

int currVol=DEFAULTVOL; // this needs to be at least 10 bits
byte filter=0;          // variable for current filter
byte reg0val=0;         // variable for volume lower bits
byte reg1val=0;         // variable for volume upper bits
byte volDimState=0;     // State for volume dimmer. =1 is dimmed
byte BC=0;              // State for selecting contrast or brightness
                        // BC=0, no adjustment, BC=1" Brighness
                        // BC=2: contrast
int brightness=0;
int contrast=0;

int irCode=0;           // The code returned by the remote IR pulses

void setup() {
  lcd.init();     // Initializing the LCD, clears the display
  lcd.setDelay(0,0); // Change de delay in the LCD library 
  DefineLargeChar();  // Define large characters

  Wire.begin();   // Joining the I2C bus as master

  pinMode(FILTERPIN, INPUT);      // Button to select Input fiter
  digitalWrite(FILTERPIN, HIGH);  // Enable pull-up resistor

  pinMode(VOLUPPIN, INPUT);       // Button or Encoder pin for volume up
  digitalWrite(VOLUPPIN, HIGH);   // Enable pull-up resistor

  pinMode(VOLDOWNPIN, INPUT);     // Button or Encoder pin for volume down
  digitalWrite(VOLDOWNPIN, HIGH); // Enable pull-down resistor

  pinMode(VOLDIMPIN, INPUT);      // Button or switch for volume dimmer
  digitalWrite(VOLDIMPIN, HIGH);  // Enable pull-up resistor

  pinMode(IRPIN, INPUT);          // Pin for IR Receiver
  digitalWrite(IRPIN, HIGH);      // Enable high as specified by datasheet

  for(int i=0;i<4;i++) // Wait for DAC to power up, just in case
      lcd.print("H I F I D U I N O");
  for(int i=0;i<4;i++) // Wait a bit more
      lcd.print(" ");

  opuswritereg(REG9,RESET);   // Resetting the DAC just in case
  opuswritereg(REG4,MUTE);    // MUTE (and vol setup) 

  // The following 4 lines is to set up the default volume
  // To set up the volume you need to write to at least 2 registers

  reg0val=(DEFAULTVOL & 0x1F);     // The lower 5 bits goes to reg 0
  opuswritereg(REG0,reg0val);      // Writing to reg 0
  reg1val=((DEFAULTVOL>>5)| 0x20); // The upper 5 bits goes to reg 1
  opuswritereg(REG1,reg1val);      // Writing to reg 1

  opuswritereg(REG6,FILTER1);  // I'm setting the default filter at power on
  opuswritereg(REG7,PCMHIGH);  // Setting up for PCM and high sampling rate because I have 
                               // a reclocker and the output is 192K to the DAC 
  opuswritereg(REG4,VOLCNTR);  // Setting up volume control. Unmute

  attachInterrupt(0, decoder, CHANGE);  // ISR for rotary encoder
  attachInterrupt(1, remoting, RISING); // ISR for remote IR sensor

  // print header for digital filter and current filter 

  // print header for volume and volume
  lcd.print("-dB VOL");

  // Print the rest of the display
  lcd.setCursor(2 ,4);


void loop()
  // The following code will select the next filter if the button is pushed
  // and it is repeated for the remote because I'm lazy :-)

  if (digitalRead(FILTERPIN)==0)  // When the filter button is pushed
      case 0:
      lcd.print("RESPONSE #1");
      case 1:
      lcd.print("RESPONSE #2");
      case 2:
      lcd.print("RESPONSE #3");
      case 3:
      lcd.print("RESPONSE #4");
      case 4:
      lcd.print("RESPONSE #5");
    delay(300);  // Used to avoid reading the button more than one during the click

  // The following is to adjust the volume down (larger number)

  while(volDown==1)  // While there is CCW motion in the rotary encoder
                     // This means decrease volume -increase attenuation
    volDown=0;  // Reset the flag
    if (currVol<MINVOL) // If current volume is not at MIN (attn < maxAttn)
                        // then decrease volume (increase attenuation)
      currVol=currVol+8;                    // Increase attenuation 1 dB
      reg0val=(((byte)currVol) & 0x1F);     // Calculate value for reg0
      opuswritereg(REG0,reg0val);           // Write to reg0
      reg1val=(((byte)(currVol>>5))| 0x20); // Calculate value for reg1
      opuswritereg(REG1,reg1val);           // Write to reg1


      if (volDimState==1)                // If in dim state, reset state value

  // The following is to adjust the volume up (smaller numbers)

  while(volUp==1)  // While there is cw motion in rotary encoder
    volUp=0;  // clear the flag
    if (currVol>MAXVOL)   // If current volume not at MAX (attn>minAttn)
                          // increase volume (reduce attennuation)
      currVol=currVol-8;                // Decrease attenuation 1 dB
      reg0val=(((byte)currVol) & 0x1F); // Calculate value for reg0
      opuswritereg(REG0,reg0val);       // Write to reg0
      reg1val=((currVol>>5)| 0x20);     // Calculate value for reg1
      opuswritereg(REG1,reg1val);       // Write to reg1


      if (volDimState==1)               // If in dim state, reset state value

  // The following is for the volume dimming feature

  if (digitalRead(VOLDIMPIN)==0) // When pressing the volume dim button
    if (volDimState==0)  //if not dimmed, then dim the volume to min vol
      reg0val=(((byte)DIMVOL) & 0x1F);
      reg1val=(((byte)(DIMVOL>>5))| 0x20);
      volDimState=1;     // set state to dimmed
    else                 // if dimmed, then return to current volume
      reg0val=(((byte)currVol) & 0x1F);
      reg1val=(((byte)(currVol>>5))| 0x20); // Calculate value for reg1
      volDimState=0;    // set state to undimmed.
    delay(300); // Used to avoid reading the button more than one during the click

  // The following code is for the remote.

  while (remoteOn==1)
    irCode = getIRKey();		    //Fetch the key
    //lcd.setCursor(0,4); // Used to find out remote keys value

      // The following for filter sel ection
      case KEY1:
      case KEY2:
      case KEY3:
      case KEY4:
      case KEY5:

      // The following is for the input sample rate
      case KEY7:
      case KEY8:
      case KEY9:

      // The following for volume
      case KEYVOLDOWN:
      if (currVol<MINVOL)  // If not at min volume, then can decrease volume
        {                  // volume is decreased by increasing the attenuation value
        currVol=currVol+8;                    // Increase attenuation 1 dB
        reg0val=(((byte)currVol) & 0x1F);     // Calculate value for reg0
        opuswritereg(REG0,reg0val);           // Write to reg0
        reg1val=(((byte)(currVol>>5))| 0x20); // Calculate value for reg1
        opuswritereg(REG1,reg1val);           // Write to reg1


        if (volDimState==1)                // If in dim state, reset state value

      case KEYVOLUP:
      if (currVol>MAXVOL) // If volume not at max vol, then increse vol
                          // volume is increased by decreasing the attenuation value
        currVol=currVol-8;                // Decrease attenuation 1 dB
        reg0val=(((byte)currVol) & 0x1F); // Calculate value for reg0
        opuswritereg(REG0,reg0val);       // Write to reg0
        reg1val=((currVol>>5)| 0x20);     // Calculate value for reg1
        opuswritereg(REG1,reg1val);       // Write to reg1


        if (volDimState==1)               // If in dim state, reset state value

      // The following is for brightness and constrast control

      case KEYDISPLAY:
      if (BC%3==0){
        lcd.print(" ");
        EEPROM.write(BRIADDR,brightness); // Save value
        EEPROM.write(CONADDR,contrast);  // Save Value
      if (BC%3==1){
        lcd.print("BRI ");; // Read value
      if (BC%3==2 ){
        lcd.print("CON ");;  // Read value

      case KEYPICTUREUP:
      if (BC==1){
        //lcd.print(" ");
      if (BC==2){
        //lcd.print(" ");

      // delay(IRFILSELDELAY);

      if (BC==1){
        lcd.print(" ");
      if (BC==2){
        lcd.print(" ");

      // delay(IRFILSELDELAY);


    remoteOn=0;  //reset flag


// This is the main decoding code for the remote.

int getIRKey() {
  int duration=1;
  int result=0;
  while((duration=pulseIn(IRPIN, LOW, 50000)) < 2200 && duration!=0)
    //do nothing waiting for start pulse

  int mask = 1;				    // set mask to bit 0
  for (int idx = 0; idx < 12; idx++)	    // get all 12 bits
    duration = pulseIn(IRPIN, LOW, 2000);   // measure the bit pulse
    if (duration > ONEPULSE)		    // 1 bit?
	result |= mask;			    // yes, update ir code
    mask <<= 1;                             // shift mask to next bit
  return result;

Posted June 22, 2009 by BlgGear in Code for OPUS DAC

8 responses to “Code v 0.7a

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  1. Hello there, I know it has been a while since this code was published, I am just wondering in the above code how was the volume control achieved. I am looking for a code for a rotary encoder and a PGA2311 or similar chip. Did the above code use some kind of a stepped attenuator such as JoshuaTree or something similar.

  2. Hello, the code controls the volume feature inside the DAC. The rotary encoder code will work with any application because it only detects “clicks” in either “up” or “down” direction. The you use that information to control some device. For the PGA2311 or Joshua Tree you will need to write code for it.

  3. Thanks, all I need is to detect encoder cw move and generate say +1 or ccw move and generate -1. Then I could use those values to drive volume gain with the PGA chip. It shouldn’t be difficult to implement. At the end I would need to covert the gain to dB for LCD display. If I get the code working I may publish it here.

    • Good luck. Just understand that the code I used for the rotary encoder is very, very simple but requires that you install some capacitors in the rotary encoder to get rid of the noise. If you don’t do that, then you need to find code that implements “software debouncing”. I didn’t use s/w debouncing because it was too complex for my taste and my level of programming at that time.

      • Yep, rotary encoder also needs 47K pull up resistors to V+ from A and C pins, if I am not mistaken. I am not sure what you mean by “SW debouncing”, perhaps incorrect RE reading resulting in sending false signal to the PGA, or …? Could you give me some hints. I have no experience with REs. thanks

      • If you use Arduino, the pull up resistors can be enabled in s/w. The mechanical switch in a RE is very noisy so you will have many false readings. Some people deal with it with h/w (add capacitors), some people deal with it in s/w (timers, etc).

  4. Hi again,

    I tried the code and VOLUME control now works better, I can go down from 00. And yes, VOLUP and VOLDOWN codes were reversed, but that is an easy fix. Had to change the keys for BRIGHTNESS / CONTRAST, as I don’t have PICTUREUP/DOWN on my remote. I still have a problem with adjusting them, but this is a minor issue really. I would like to have INPUT control USB or PCM, like you do on the Buffalo II controller. Also it would be nice to have Apple remote instead of Sony, but I understand Sony remote is much easier to program.

  5. Hi Rade M.,

    Since you are using a different LCD, the BRI and CON adjustment will not work. You will have to find out if your specific LCD has instructions for adjusting those. Otherwise you will have to use manual adjustment.

    You can look at the Apple remote code from the latest Buff code and replace the Sony remote code

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